
uses Dick Feynman’s problem solving techniques to address the problems of the planet, the people, and the nation.


Problems Considered:

| Wealth Distribution | Climate Change | Citizens United |

Abortion | National Debt | I Income Taxes | Health Care |

Tariffs | Inflation | Electrification | Homelessness |

Christian Nation | Independent Media | Education |

| Gender-neutral Pronoun |


Fixing Problems:


(Urgent. Trump is fixing some little problems,

but making the big one worse.)

Message Congress by the millions.

If they don’t act, their replacements will.

We can guarantee it by forming a Fixit Party and making sure that the rich and powerful don’t it take over.

Make America Great

for everyone!


America will be great again

when she is dedicated to fixing the problems of the planet, the people, and the nation.


What went wrong?


Tax cuts for the rich caused our obscene wealth inequality and tariffs will make it worse.

That’s great for the billionaire class,

but a terrible problem for the people and the nation

As long as we still have the Constitution, we the people have tools to fix the problem.

Dedicated to the memory of Dick Feynman, teacher and problem-solver extraordinaire

This website is problem oriented. It’s science, fact, and lrogic based.

  Its subjective arguments are non-religious.

Occam’s Razor is used throughout


Aphorisms from religious leaders, Dick Feynman, Mark Twain, Will Rogers, Robert Ingersoll, and others are also included

Aphorisms and Anecdotes


Peace on earth. Goodwill to the planet
